I decided to be gender-inclusive with this post because I didn’t want any dates to strictly be for boys or strictly be for girls. What if someone has twins or two young children of opposite genders?
So, here are my 20 (pretty awesome, I may add) ideas to have a date with your kid. Pics included.
Beach Date

What a relaxing way to get away from life’s troubles just for a few hours, huh?
Zoo Date

Last year on my birthday, we went to the Zoo. We got to feed giraffes! Here’s Maks and Bear feeding one.
Bike/Scooter Date

I don’t have a bike, but I often follow Bear on his scooter. It’s actually a great workout for both of us!
Cooking Date

Every so often, Bear likes to help me cook or bake. He really gets into it around Christmas time when we have to make treats!
Hiking Date

We go up to the mountains during the wintertime to enjoy the snow since it really doesn’t snow in L.A.
Sporting Event Date

My husband is part of the LAFC Originals group, so we often go to games.
Board Games Date

Not only does Bear get some learning activity, but he can also learn how to spell. Beat that.
Aquarium Date

Bear can get wet and cool down while he learns about some mammals.
Boba/Tea Date

His facial expression says it all, doesn’t it?
Day trip Date

Sometimes we take a road trip to my hometown of Palm Springs for the day. Just to get away!
Lunch Date

Make sure you bring your favorite toy. They might be thirsty.
Museum Date

We’re lucky we live near a lot of free admission museums so we can just take a small trip to see them on any given day. This picture is when I took Bear to see the Endeavor spaceship.
Ice Cream Date

What kid doesn’t like ice cream?
Library Date

Some libraries, like our favorite one in Beverly Hills, have special children’s rooms/areas for activities.
Amusement Park Date

Amusement parks don’t just mean Six Flags or Disney. We made a trip to the Discovery Cube L.A. so Bear could get some entertainment that wasn’t on a tablet.
Farm Date

We recently went to Underwood Farms, and Bear had a blast.
Puzzle Date

You’ll be amazed how quickly one can be put together.
Indoor Playground Date

Some indoor playgrounds are hella cheap for adults and cheap for kids.
Fort/Tent Date

We recently purchased a tent so Bear and Make could have backyard adventures. Needless to say, it’s a huge hit.
Confetti Date

Despite how much confetti comes out, it’s not bad at all to clean up. It actually takes only a few minutes and it’s super easy. Plus, confetti is really fun!
So, there you have it! 20 awesome mother and child date ideas! What are some ways you participate with your child?